Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Problem Solving Workshop

We did our first problem solving workshop (PSW) on the 7th day of school. The first five days were introducing, exploring, and practicing with our tool bags.  Once that was settled, we were able to dive right in....by which I mean oh wait, wait another day because my schedule got rearranged at the last second. Oh, last minute changes, you vex me.

The PSW is my very favorite way to teach math when it comes to operations. The entire thing is based on my understanding of Carpenter/Franke's Children's Mathematics (Cognitively Guided Instruction).  If you teach any workshop, such as reading or writing workshop, you can use the same structure to create space for students to make sense of, and solve, problems.

The workshop structure includes a mini lesson, a work period (which may include a mid-workshop interruption), and a close.  The whole thing takes about 35 minutes - 45 minutes.  Shared below, as our very first PSW of the year, is a mini lesson (introducing a problem together, including reading and acting out) for 15 minutes; a work session for almost 20 minutes including clean up; and finally a quick close on the carpet, less than 5 minutes.

I have been doing this for many years, and I have always started with a "put together" problem. For the first time, I decided, at the last minute (oh, last minute changes, I LOVE you ;) to make the "separate" problem the first one. I am too pleased that I did!

This is all based on Carpenter's work, which I highly recommend that you read, start to finish.  Until then, the main points are 1) children can resolve math story problems without you and your snappy ideas; 2) they do this in totally predictable ways that they construct themselves; and 3) not all math story problems are created equally....some "problem types" are harder for children to access until they have built up a barrel of number sense and an understanding of part-whole relationships.  In reference to #1, if you start with the most accessible problem types, you won't have to do any underlining of key words or circling of numbers or any of that other stuff. And that's because of #2, which includes the information that virtually all students (when we stop pecking at their necks) begin all understanding with a strategy called "direct modeling".

In direct modeling, students will act out, with manipulatives, exactly what the story says, in the order it says it.  So if the math story says "I have 3 cookies. My mom gives me 2 mores cookies. How many cookies do I have now?" a child will read "I have 3 cookies" and place three blocks down. Then the child will read "my mom gives me 2 more cookies" and place two more blocks down.  When they read the question "how many cookies do I have now?" they count all the blocks they put down. (Worried that you have students who can't read this problem? Me too! I won't bore you with the results of my Fontas and Pinnell assessments I just completed, but please know that I have exactly 7 - out of 29 students - that would be considered on "beginning of 2nd grade level"....it's a real thing.)

Which is why, whenever we start a new problem type, we always start with a group reading and acting out of the problem. I like to use names of my students, and their real hobbies, to get us started. In this case, Ishika likes to collect rocks and sea shells, and her class buddy is Jaiyana.

The process is simple: I read it to them from the poster (with blanks....I say "hmmm" for the blank...Ishika has hmmm shells, like that).  We read it all together. I point out that not everyone is reading, so we read it chorally again. Except I have to interrupt us after the first sentence, because not everyone is reading. So we try again. Rinse and repeat UNTIL they GET it that EVERYBODY will participate, full stop. Once we've read it, I have them partner talk about what's happening in this problem. How would they describe what's happening?

This time they shared:  Ishika has shells. (What is she doing with the shells) She's giving shells away. (to whom?) She's giving them to Jaiyana.  (Who is "she" in the last sentence? Is it Ishika or Jaiyana?) It took some discussion, but they decided it was Ishika. Those referent pronouns with second language learners (21 of 29 are, for my class) can be tricky. It's worth talking about.

I gave them the black number pairs first, and taught them to populate the blanks with the numbers, in order. We did 8, 3 first and re-read it chorally as "Ishika has 8 shells. She gives Jaiyana 3 shells. How many shells does she have left?"  Ishika and Jaiyana come up and act it out with cubes. We prove the answer is 5. Then two other people play Ishika and Jaiyana and we did it again for the numbers 7, 2. Two other actors did 9, 3. And a final pair of actors did 11, 2. They would have gone on, but really, it was enough.
As you can see in the picture above, teaching this system of reading the problem with number pairs is extremely helpful as you try to differentiate in your classroom. For the student who finishes in seconds, you can quickly write two more difficult numbers on a post-it and tell them, "These are your new numbers" and they get right to work on it. Likewise, when you come across a Little One who just can't get started, who can't get any traction, you can quickly jot down two smaller, more accessible numbers and say "Try it again with these". Since you taught them how to populate the problem with any two numbers, they are good to go.

When I send them off to the do the problem on their trays with their bag of math tools, I sent them off with the red numbers, 22, 7.  We read it altogether one last time, and then we go to work. Super important: I always send them off with numbers that are just out of their reach....I want it to be a problem they haven't memorized as a basic fact, so that they will rely on the direct modeling intuition to solve the problem. In this case, I also want them to struggle with dealing with the notion of needing to regroup....If they build 22 with two ten-sticks and two units, they are going to be confronting some big math ideas right away. Yummy, I say!

 My job during the work period is to move through the room gathering information, and to do what I call "match making"....finding pairs of students who should talk to each other. It's always the same at first, "Teacher the answer is 9" and that's immediately followed by another breathless student saying "Teacher the answer is 14" at which point somebody will say "No teacher isn't the answer 15?" and I will say, simply, "The three of you need to take your trays to the carpet and explain how you did the problem....do you agree with each other? Is there a way to prove which one of you has the right answer? Do any of you have the right answer?" And so on, until just about everybody is partnered up and discussing the mathematics.
The other job I have is to gather up which strategies they are using. Are there any that should be shared and promoted because they are efficient, flexible, or mathematically important? Are there any that make me want to cry? haha Not even kidding about that one.
This is a really common way of building the 22 in the beginning of second grade. This child is not yet thinking in tens and units, just counting all out by ones.
 This child is also counting all out by ones. The ten sticks are not being thought of as "groups of ten", he is counting each one as "one" and needs 22 of them to make 22. This is less alarming than you might think....lots of students interpret this tool as a "tally mark" almost, rather than as a group of ten. They will make sense of it shortly. In the tray next to him, some enterprising lovely has made 22 as two ten sticks and two units. Thank you, sweet one, this will be very helpful, very soon.

Also very common, is the really long train method of making any number. This is a version of thinking in units, rather than thinking in tens and extras.

That's it! Isn't it lovely? There's no real resolution at the end of these first session, but we have LOTS of information about how our kiddos are making sense of quantity and subtraction, and we have LOTS of great conversations and proof.

At the end of this first session, we clean up and meet back down on the carpet. So much math to share! But I hold it until the next day, when I can craft a sensible mini lesson out of all that math to start our next work session. For today, we close with a quick debrief on the way this works:  We solve our problem, and we get an answer....BUT....we are not "done" until we have talked about what we did with somebody else. Do we understand them? Do they understand us? Are we in agreement? Here is where we can make the point that talking about our math is what let's us test and prove our ideas.  Here is well I will also, gently, suggest that you can talk to each other without first asking me...find somebody to work with, you won't be sorry my Littles!

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