Thursday, September 10, 2015

Second Problem Solving Workshop

Last Thursday was the first session (described here), and last Friday (the 8th day of school) we did the same problem with new numbers.  After doing 22-7, I noticed that most kids could get an answer, but there was very little understanding of place value (as tens and ones) and regrouping (in order to get more ones from a ten). Totally normal in the beginning of second grade, from my experience.

The workshop period follows the same structure of writing or reading workshop:  a mini lesson (10-15 minutes), a work period (115-20 minutes), and a close (5-7 minutes).  In this case, I wanted to address the way we build "bigger numbers", tool choices, and then sharing one strategy that a student had for regrouping. Then I would send them off to work on the exact same problem with even more complex numbers.

On the first day, I had seen many ways to make 22, but I didn't want to encourage all of them. There were ones I didn't's one:
He was using the ten sticks like units, or tally marks, and needed 22 of them to make 22. It's not unusual, and he will figure this out (as of today, the 11th day of school, he was still doing this). I'm not sweating this (yet, haha) but I'm not offering it to other students, either.

So here's my mini lesson, to open up day two of our Problem Solving Workshop. I drew out the first tall train of 22 cubes, and the second 2 ten sticks with two extras way.  The last one, with two ten-cube trains and two extras, was added during the lesson, as were the marks cutting across the first tall train way.

I began by saying I saw lots of ways that people made 22...I said, I saw Mehdi make this tall train. (Added his name.)  When I asked if anybody else made it this way, we got lots of "me too" hand motions. I told them we would have to count them, to test his train, which we did chorally. When we verified that it was 22, I wrote it under the train. 

I went on to say that I saw some people making it this way, like Angel did. (Added his name.)  This also got lots of "me too" hand motions. (For "me too" we just do a thumb pointing to our chest, pinky stuck out in front of us, almost like a "hang ten" but pointing - often frantically - back at ourselves.) We counted it as 10-20-21-22, labeling as we went along and writing it under the train once we had verified it.

Now, my goal, always, is to get them talking and listening to each other. But it's with a nod to my sanity that I do a bit more of the heavy lifting in this area at the beginning of second grade than I am totally comfortable with. I can't tell you how many times I've started a lesson with "Jasmine did the most interesting thing yesterday, Jasmine, go ahead....tell us what you did" as a way of jogging her memory and handing off the discussion to a student, only to have the student launch into a totally unrelated, inconsequential account that usually starts with something like, "oh, first, I took all my blue cubes" (no you didn't) "and then I put 2 and 5 and 3 and then I..." (no you didn't) "I thought about what I should do and then I remembered that I had some red cubes" (no you didn't)..... enough already, let me handle this.

So Jasmine had built her 22 like this:
She had originally built it with the two ten sticks and the two extra cubes, but when I came back, she had built the second way, with the two trains of ten cubes and the two extra cubes.  When I asked her about this, she showed me how she took away the two, but then couldn't break the sticks:
Haha here she is trying to snap off a couple. So cute. During the mini lesson, I asked her to show us how she tried to snap some off, and at this point, I was able to say, can you now show us the NEW way you made the number 22? And she was good to know, she knew exactly what I was talking about and there we went.

So far, in the 10 minute lesson, we had addressed building the quantity three different ways, and we had shared a strategy for regrouping by using the cube trains rather than the base 10 ten sticks to build the number. (Notice that she didn't just regroup one ten, she redid ALL the tens. In direct instruction, we would no doubt instruct her to regroup one ten...virtually every second and third grader I've ever met does it the same way as Jasmine, before they make sense of just swapping out one.)

To close the mini lesson, we went back to Mehdi long train and I asked them to partner talk about if Mehdi's way was the same or different as Jasmine's way.  After we discussed it, I posed the question:  Can we make Mehdi's look like Jasmine's? Are there ten-trains inside this long train? (The said yes, there are)  How many do you think we can get? (two) Let's try. (We counted up to ten, marked it off, counted up to ten, marked off....and saw the two extras, just like Jasmine's. I invited them to think and build their numbers using "TENS" and gave them their new numbers.
We did the same problem and I gave them the numbers on the yellow post it note (34, 18). We read the problem together as "Ishika has 34 shells. She gives Jaiyana 18 shells. How many shells does she have left?"
And here's Mehdi....he moved immediately from the long train to the ten-cube trains to make 34.  Proving, once again, that sometimes a kid hears the exact next idea they needed to hear, and that's all they will need to move forward.

 And here's Bryan and Ahmillyion making tall towers. Proving, once again, that when a kid is not ready to hear it, they will take a great idea....and do absolutely nothing with it.  No big deal, I will be inviting them to think in tens for the next few months.  They will get there!

During this work session, Angel continued to build his numbers with base 10 ten sticks and single unifix cubes.  When I asked about how he was giving away 18 shells, he showed me how he gave away as many as he could, then he used his finger to count down the markings on the permanent ten stick. He held his finger over the counted off section and said, "If I could take this off, I would." I told him about Brandon, a third grade student I had many years ago, who had this same idea and he discovered that he could mark them off with an expo marker. We got one, and I showed him how it would be fine, that it rubs right off, and he went right to work.

Here he has crossed out all of one ten with a straight line, then x-ed out 8 more from the other permanent sticks. He counted the remaining cubes as 1-2-3-4-5-6 and 10 more is 16.

Lovely!  Now we have successfully concluded our SECOND problem solving workshop. Students are making sense of a simple give away problem in context, and we now have several ideas for building bigger numbers with tens, and two ideas for regrouping (marking off, or swapping out) when we don't have enough ones to give away.  I will point out, that there is no way I could give my second graders a worksheet with problems like 34-18 or even 22-7 during the first week of school. It is only because they are using this "direct model" method that they are able to do the math, while simultaneously making sense of place value, and developing their understanding of the attributes and functionality of the different tools.

The close on this second day was straightforward:  I saved Angel's idea for the opening of the next session, and we cleaned up and reconvened on the carpet to recollect what a responsible classroom sounds like and looks like when it is time to clean up. Hint: there is no yelling, running, or swinging math bags over our heads. *ahem*

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